
How to find Nth highest salary in ms sql server

some guys confused how to write a query for getting output in sql server. there are so many way to get Nth salary .......... i am explaining two ways below find : select * from (select  Dense_Rank() over (order by salary  desc) as denserank,salary from SalaryMaster) as r where denserank= Value  Value=on which position rank you want i.e. 2 or 5th this is a Dense_Rank() function which gives you a sequence without skipping a number order. this is the best way to get Nth salary in a query. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd way.  with CTE with CTESalary AS ( Dense_Rank() over (order by salary desc)as denserank, ,salary from SalaryMaster ) select * from CTESalary where denserank=2 

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Unable to add google gmail in iphone

Hello guys,                  i deleted my account and tried to add again but i was facing problem when i was entering my username and password then screen was flashing once then again go to choose option screen .  solution is you'll get micro second to save your setting . when you entered your details then screen will show save button upper right corner. then quickly press save button and you'll see your account has been added. thnx . hope it'll helpful.

Understanding ASP.NET MVC using real world example, for beginners and intermediate

ASP.NET MVC First thing is to understand the ASP.NET MVC framework itself, once we’ve gotten enough understanding of the ASP.NET MVC framework, then it would be a lot easy for us to understand why ASP.NET team provided us with this framework. In web development, there are different schemes used to create web sites and web applications, which at a minor age don’t seem to cause a problem. Solving a bug might take hours of headscratching and some other help too. It is harder to find the problem that is scripted inside the HTML web page. In these scenarios, it is always found helpfull to seperate your code from your data and from your HTML markup. This would make it a lot easier to find and solve the problem. Because, now all of the code has been seperated and finding the problem at exact location won’t be a harder task. These three fields are divided and make up the MVC; Model, View and Controller pattern for web development. Actually this is not a pattern, specific to the web dev...

(nested gridview):How to Get parent gridview rowindex on a child gridview link button click

 GridViewRow Gv2Row = (GridViewRow)((LinkButton)sender).NamingContainer; GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(Gv2Row.Parent.Parent); GridViewRow Gv1Row = (GridViewRow)(Childgrid.NamingContainer); int b = Gv1Row.RowIndex;

how to get list of tables, functions and stored procedure created last month in sql server

SELECT         [name]        ,create_date        ,modify_date FROM         sys.tables where create_date >='03/01/2015'                                         SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE  create_date >='03/01/2015' SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type IN ('FN', 'IF', 'TF')  -- scalar, inline table-valued, table-valued

how to get files from google drive

<head runat="server">     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />     <title>Google drive attachment Example</title>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         function onApiLoad() {             gapi.load('auth', { 'callback': onAuthApiLoad });             gapi.load('picker');         }         function onAuthApiLoad() {             window.gapi.auth.authorize({                 'client_id': '',                 'scope': ['']  ...