
Showing posts with the label interview question in sql server

How to find Nth highest salary in ms sql server

some guys confused how to write a query for getting output in sql server. there are so many way to get Nth salary .......... i am explaining two ways below find : select * from (select  Dense_Rank() over (order by salary  desc) as denserank,salary from SalaryMaster) as r where denserank= Value  Value=on which position rank you want i.e. 2 or 5th this is a Dense_Rank() function which gives you a sequence without skipping a number order. this is the best way to get Nth salary in a query. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd way.  with CTE with CTESalary AS ( Dense_Rank() over (order by salary desc)as denserank, ,salary from SalaryMaster ) select * from CTESalary where denserank=2